The Italian- American pianist Elenora Pertz is a pioneer in the field of collaborative piano. Her affinity for singing and texts led to a specialization in working with classical singers as an engaging partner and performer.

Elenora has performed extensively throughout Europe in venues such as Wigmore Hall, Berlin Philharmonie, Musée d’Orsay, Oxford Lieder Festival, Musicales de Normandies, Atélier Lyrique de Tourcoing, Muse Salentine Festival, Schubertiade Schwarzenberg, France Musique and collaborated with institutions such as the Royaumont Fondation, Britten Pears Arts, and Eppaner Lied Sommer.

She has recorded both art song and chamber music repertoire for labels such as Hännsler Classics and B Records. In her art and projects she strives for both expertise and authenticity, highlighting the universality of classical music and art song for those intimidated by it's exclusivity.

As an opera pianist she has worked at the Staatsoper Berlin, Deutsche Oper Berlin and Komische Oper Berlin with conductors such as Sir Simon Rattle, Thomas Guggeis and Sir Donald Runnicles. In the 2024/25 season she will assistant maestro Esa-Pekka Salonen in a production of Mussorgsky’s Chovanschtschina at both the Helsinki Festival and the Easter Festival of the Salzburger Festispiel.

 Since the Wintersemester of 2023-24 Elenora leads the art song class (Liedgestaltung) at the Hochschule für Künste in Bremen, and is also on the voice faculty at the Universität der Künste Berlin. She holds degrees from Vanderbilt University, Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität Wien and Hochschule für Musik “Hanns Eisler” Berlin. 

In 2021 Elenora founded the non-profit Lied the Way e.V. whose goal is to network and empower women in the art song community, and to raise awareness of the glass ceiling for female art song pianists in the industry.

Central themes to Elenora’s work are celebrating women and the natural world, and finding the correlations between the two.

A polyglot, Elenora speaks four languages fluently and currently is based in Berlin.